10 Consequences Of Marrying An Unbeliever

Marrying an unbeliever is okay as long as you keep your faith intact and refrain from being influenced by your unbelieving partner, right?

While you may think you are too strong or principled or grounded in your religious faith to be influenced by an unbeliever. Well I hate to break it to you. You are not.

According to the book of Proverbs 27:17As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” Therefore, if you marry an unbeliever they are most likely to blunt your faith in God. 

Yeah, it’s that simple. Even without quoting the bible, it’s an open secret that if you hang out with a thief, he or she is most likely to corrupt your character. And there is a high probability you might as well turn out to be a thief.

So with that in mind. Let’s look into the consequences of marrying an unbeliever.

Consequences of Marrying An Unbeliever

If you are already married to an unbeliever or you are thinking of marrying an unbeliever. Here are the consequences you should be aware of:

  • You are putting your own faith of a really hard test

If you marry an unbeliever, curiosity will drive you to know why they chose to become unbelievers. If you are not careful your partner may give such a powerful reason that they may sell you the idea of becoming an unbeliever yourself.

In addition, some partners can be manipulative and they can ask you to quit your faith as a token of your affection for them.

  • It will be impossible to get support from your partner

As a consequence of marrying an unbeliever they will not believe in your faith. So for example, if your faith dictates that you don’t eat pork. Your partner might actually be okay with eating pork. This will cause a lot of friction between you two.

In the book of 2nd Corinthians christians are warned to avoid the company of unbelievers and to touch no unclean thing.

“Come out of friendships with those who do not believe. Touch no unclean thing and I will receive you.”

  • You will always have differences with your unbelieving partner

As a consequence of marrying an unbeliever, you will experience endless differences between you and your partner. For example, you may expect people in your household not to work on Sunday as commanded by one of the Ten Commandments.

Now your unbelieving partner will not agree with you on this. That might turn disastrous for your relationship.

  • Marrying an unbeliever can lead to disconnection 

As a believer, you will feel disconnected to your partner since they can relate with your beliefs and how they affect the way you live.

When your relationship with an unbeliever takes this directly only a healthy dose of communication will save you.

  • It will difficult for your unbelieving partner to understand your worldview

Being a Christian your life will be directed by teachings from the bible. Sometimes christians are required to fast during certain times of the year. Your unbelieving partner might want to know why you are fasting.

In fact they might ask, “To what end are you fasting for?”

  • Work seem different to your unbeliever partner

The bible tells christians that work is holy and for a christian to eat they must work. Some beliefs restrict women from working. Therefore if a woman is married to a man who subscribes to such beliefs they might find their husband scornful of them going to work.

  • It will be going against rules of nature

Naturally birds of the same father like flocking together. Therefore , it is more natural if unbelieving persons marry other unbelieving persons. 

On the other hand, believers should marry one another. This will aid to deepen their faith.

Conclusion, Is it a Sin to Marry a Non-believer

As the above consequences of marrying an unbeliever suggests it is not a walk in the park to live with an unbeliever if you are a christian. Therefore, take time and communicate openly with your partner before embarking on married life.

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