A Sample  letter   Poem to my younger self

Dear younger self, with eyes so wide,

I pen these words from the other side,

A journey through time, a glimpse of the past,

To guide you through life’s trials so vast.


In the innocence of youth, you stand, With dreams and hopes, a future so grand,

I see your doubts, your fears, your glee, But trust me, dear one, you’ll find your key.

The playground laughter, the friendships made,

Will shape the person you’ll one day parade,


Cherish those moments, hold them near,

For they’ll be the memories you’ll always revere.

As you grow, don’t rush to be old,

Time’s a river, let its stories unfold, Embrace the lessons in each mistake,

For they’ll be the building blocks you’ll take.


The storms will come, dark skies above,

But remember, dear self, you’re made of tough stuff,

Each trial you face, each tear that falls,

Will forge your spirit within these walls.


Love fiercely, with an open heart,

But guard it well, for it’s a delicate art,

Not everyone you meet will stay,

But the right ones will, come what may.


Dream big, set goals, reach for the stars,

Let passion guide you, both near and far,

The world is vast, your canvas, your stage,

Write your story, page by page.


Don’t forget to pause, to breathe, to see,

The beauty around you, the way life can be,

In the little moments, the simple grace,

Find your peace, in life’s busy race.


Dear younger self, as I look back,

I see your strength, your hopes on track, You’ll stumble, fall, and rise above,

For you are resilient, bound by love.


Hold onto that spark, that inner flame,

You’re destined for greatness,

you’re not the same,

And when you doubt, when shadows fall, Remember this letter, my voice, my call.


You’re a masterpiece in progress, it’s true,

So, embrace the journey, both old and new,

I believe in you, as I did back then,

You’ll find your way, time and again.

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