Most Flooded Courses in Kenya

  1. Arts
  2. Education
  3. Psychology and Counselling
  4. Hospitality
  5. Chemical Engineering
  6. Mass Communication

Any academic degree in Kenya gives you an upper hand in competition in the job market. Similarly, getting into higher learning institutions is much easier nowadays, resulting in a higher supply of industry professionals in the Kenyan labor market. However, most graduates in the country end up jobless because of overflooding in most courses, including the most marketable courses in Kenya. Nevertheless, do not worry because enrolling in a marketable course can help you avoid this aggravating situation. Consequently, always keep the dynamics of career advancement in mind when deciding on a course to pursue because signing up for one carelessly may lead to you taking a useless class. Therefore, this list of flooded courses in Kenya will help you avoid some programs that might not be ideal. These courses include:

  1. Arts
  2. Education
  3. Psychology and Counselling
  4. Anthropology
  5. Hospitality
  6. Chemical Engineering
  7. Mass Communication
  8. Theology

Arts(Is Arts a Good Course in Kenya)

Art courses are some of the most flooded courses in Kenya because of the current world’s various digital and social media platforms. The courses may be marketable in well-developed countries where the demand is high. However, people in Kenya do not see the need to invest in art as they do in economic issues. Similarly, art courses demand a high level of creativity, meaning a lack of it will render you jobless after completing your studies. Therefore, it is an ideal course if you are aiming for self-employment. The influx of creative people makes art one of the least marketable courses you can study in Kenya.


Education is the key to success. This phrase carries much weight, but only when applying whatever you learn to earn a sizable living. Most education courses are flooded because they are some of the most accessible courses in Kenya, with minimal qualification requirements. For instance, subject combinations like Business, History, and CRE are no longer marketable because of over-flooding. Therefore, you can waste your time pursuing an education course at the university and still need an ideal employment opportunity after completing your studies. Remember, most of these subjects are simple, and every other student opts to take them in college over other complex disciplines like Mathematics, Geography, Physics, and Chemistry.

Psychology and Counselling

There is a high demand for Counselling and Psychology courses in Kenya because they are easy to enroll in and have a sizable salary. Similarly, the course requires medium preparation to complete such a course in a Kenyan higher learning institution. In addition, it is one of the most flooded courses in Kenya that changes people’s lives positively. However, employment in such a field is quite challenging in the modern business-oriented industry. It is also challenging to start your counseling center because many Kenyans prefer to keep their problems private. Remember, many Kenyans may need more awareness of the services a psychologist and a counselor offers.


Anthropology is the study of fossils, society, and humankind in a broad comparative approach. The course is active because it continues to innovate and grow as humans develop into more advanced societies. In addition, it is essential to understand how our activities affect the environment and how we can cope with disaster preparedness. However, it is not one of the most marketable courses in Kenya because of few or limited job opportunities. Many young people are opting to pursue the course, making it quite impossible to land a job because most employers do not need services provided by anthropologists.


The average Kenyan youth will always look for easier ways to earn a living after their high school education. Therefore, most of them enroll in hospitality and hotel management courses. Consequently, the hospitality course is one of the most flooded courses in Kenya that are valueless due to the less demand in the job market. The field is flooded with many young and jobless people, many ending up working in institutions as receptionists. However, it can be an ideal source of income if you venture into the private sector by starting with self-employment. Similarly, you can opt for a degree in hotel management, which offers excellent career opportunities to diverse students.

Chemical Engineering

Engineering courses are some of the most marketable courses in Kenya. However, not all of them are ideal because they hold little to no employment opportunities after studying them. One of these courses is chemical engineering, which might initially sound quite attractive. Nevertheless, there is little to no demand for chemical engineers in Kenya, making the course unmarketable and one of the most flooded courses in Kenya. The course can lure you with a fancy name, but be sure to put in extra effort when you pursue this course. Most employment opportunities in this course come from more developed countries that have a demand for industrial professionals in the chemical field.

Mass Communication

Mass communication is one of the most flooded courses in Kenya. Most people will prefer pursuing a mass communication course because of the mentality that it is easy to study and find a job. The current trend has Kenyan media companies opting for comedians with little or no qualifications as their employees rather than industry professionals. Therefore, employment in this sector is only possible if you possess skills related to the average Kenyan. You must also be aggressive and creative to land an ideal, well-paying opportunity in this sector. Consequently, it is better to have a self-employment mentality just in case things do not work according to your plans.


Theology is one of the most flooded and useless courses in Kenya today. The course will only work out for you if you plan to become a chaplain or a religious leader. However, you should refrain from undertaking this program to improve your living standards because the salaries in this field are pretty tormenting. Remember, you do not need certificates to become a pastor nowadays because anyone can wake up and claim they have a calling from God to spread the gospel.

In conclusion

Most flooded courses in Kenya have one thing in common; a high unemployment rate after completing your studies. Remember, every course has its value, and the biggest problem is if that value aligns differently with your career goals. Therefore, ensure you know your strengths and the ideal course that can suit you because, in most cases, you can still manage to do well because of your ability to offer something unique from the rest of the professionals.

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