Example of  funny Monday quotes 

  1. “Monday is the day that my coffee needs coffee before I can start.”
  2. “Monday is the day that reality hits you after a weekend of blissful denial.”
  3. “If each day is a gift, I’d like to know where I can return Monday.”
  4. “Monday should be optional.”
  5. “Monday is the day that even my coffee needs coffee.”
  6. “Monday is the day that makes me appreciate the rest of the week.”
  7. “Monday is the day that turns coffee into survival juice.”
  8. “Monday is the day that insists on being a part of every week.”
  9. “If Monday had a face, I’d punch it. But it doesn’t, so I’ll just have some more coffee.”
  10. “Monday: The day that’s the equivalent of a math problem you can’t solve.”
  11. “Monday is the day that reminds us that weekends are too short.”
  12. “Monday is the day that exists just to make Tuesday feel better.”
  13. “I’d love to see Monday just one day a week.”
  14. “Monday is the day that gives you a whole week to be productive, but all you want is a nap.”
  15. “Monday is the day that tries to kill your weekend vibe.”
  16. “Dear Monday, go step on a Lego.”
  17. “Monday is the day that laughs at your Sunday night goals.”
  18. “Monday is the day that’s allergic to happiness.”
  19. “Monday is the day that turns coffee into the solution for everything.”
  20. “Monday is the day that should be made illegal.”
  21. “Monday: Because there’s no better way to spend 1/7 of your life.”
  22. “Monday is the day that was invented just to keep the coffee industry alive.”
  23. “Monday is the day that insists on reminding you that you’re not a morning person.”
  24. “Monday is the day that makes you wonder why you agreed to adulting.”
  25. “Monday: Because nothing gets you motivated like the realization that it’s the start of the workweek.”
  26. “Monday is the day when you wish you had a ‘skip’ button.”
  27. “Monday: The day when everything seems impossible until it’s over.”
  28. “Monday is the day that makes you appreciate the snooze button.”
  29. “Monday is the day when you need coffee to save your Monday.”
  30. “Monday is the day that’s an obstacle course for your sanity.”
  31. “Monday is the day that reminds you that life is not a weekend.”
  32. “Monday: The day when you need GPS to find your motivation.”
  33. “Monday is the day when your bed becomes the most comfortable place in the universe.”
  34. “Monday is the day that feels like a slap from the calendar.”
  35. “Monday: The day when your alarm clock becomes your mortal enemy.”
  36. “Monday is the day that makes you wonder why you’re an adult.”
  37. “Monday: Because nothing good ever started with ‘I’ll do it on Monday.'”
  38. “Monday is the day when even my coffee needs a coffee.”
  39. “Monday is the day when you realize that ‘one more episode’ on Sunday night was a bad idea.”
  40. “Monday is the day when you wish you could Ctrl+Alt+Delete the week.”
  41. “Monday is the day when you need a search party to find your motivation.”
  42. “Monday is the day when ‘I can’t’ becomes ‘I have to.'”
  43. “Monday: The day that makes you question your life choices.”
  44. “Monday is the day that’s like a speed bump in the middle of the highway of life.”
  45. “Monday is the day when your bed feels like a long-lost lover.”
  46. “Monday: The day that makes you wonder if coffee is a food group.”
  47. “Monday is the day that should be canceled for adulting rehab.”
  48. “Monday is the day that tests your patience and your caffeine tolerance.”
  49. “Monday: Because there’s no better way to appreciate Friday.”
  50. “Monday is the day when your coffee is stronger than your motivation.”
  51. “Monday is the day when your to-do list laughs at you.”
  52. “Monday is the day when you’re convinced your alarm clock has a personal vendetta.”
  53. “Monday is the day when you need an inspirational quote to survive it.”
  54. “Monday is the day when your coffee cup is your best friend.”
  55. “Monday: The day that makes you appreciate the weekend even more.”
  56. “Monday is the day that makes you wonder why ‘three-day weekends’ aren’t a thing.”
  57. “Monday: The day when you contemplate faking your own death to get out of work.”
  58. “Monday is the day that’s like a bad hair day for the whole week.”
  59. “Monday: The day that comes with a side order of ‘I can’t even.'”
  60. “Monday is the day when you need a ‘do-over’ button.”
  61. “Monday is the day that gives you a chance to improve your ‘Monday face.'”
  62. “Monday: The day that makes you appreciate Sunday brunch even more.”
  63. “Monday is the day when you need a double shot of motivation.”
  64. “Monday is the day when you wish weekends had a ‘rewind’ button.”
  65. “Monday: The day when you ask yourself, ‘Is it Friday yet?'”
  66. “Monday is the day when you need a ‘weekend recovery’ day.”
  67. “Monday: Because life needed a designated day for chaos.”
  68. “Monday is the day when you wish you could ‘Ctrl+Z’ the weekend.”
  69. “Monday: The day when your coffee cup needs a seatbelt.”
  70. “Monday is the day when ‘rise and shine’ turns into ‘hit snooze one more time.'”
  71. “Monday is the day when your alarm clock goes from ‘beep’ to ‘beep-beep-beep’ very quickly.”
  72. “Monday: The day that makes you question the meaning of life.”
  73. “Monday is the day when your cat thinks you’re making too much noise getting ready.”
  74. “Monday: The day that proves time travel hasn’t been invented yet.”
  75. “Monday is the day when your coffee is your spirit animal.”
  76. “Monday is the day when you wish you could take a ‘mental health day.'”
  77. “Monday: Because without it, Tuesday would just be Monday’s ugly cousin.”
  78. “Monday is the day that makes you appreciate pajamas as work attire.”
  79. “Monday is the day when you wonder if it’s acceptable to take a nap at your desk.”
  80. “Monday: The day that makes you wish ‘weekend mode’ was an actual setting on your life.”
  81. “Monday is the day when even your calendar looks at you with pity.”
  82. “Monday: The day that makes you appreciate the concept of ‘retirement.'”
  83. “Monday is the day that requires advanced ninja skills to sneak out of bed.”
  84. “Monday is the day when your bed feels like it’s hugging you tightly.”

By admin